Equity Coordinator
Ms. Flores is born and raised in the sunny San Fernando Valley. She is a proud product of the CSU system and earned her bachelor’s degree in Chicana/o Studies from CSU Northridge and her master’s degree in Communication Studies and a Certificate in Conflict Resolution from San Francisco State. She was an active leader in various BIPOC student organizations including MEChA, AISA, and CAUSA and she continue to regularly volunteer her time and skills. Ms. Flores also loves performing and was engaged in several student and community theatre productions, including her own creative work project for her master’s degree.
Most recently, Ms. Flores worked as the Census Program Specialist for LACOE overseeing the 2020 Census outreach efforts of 38 school districts and charter schools in the county. In this role she collaborated with various partners to provide resources, training, and information sessions with districts and parents in English and Spanish. She also managed the LA County Census Chalkathon in which some of our own students participated.
She has a background in project/event management, community organizing, recruitment, and team and organizational culture. At The Broad Center, she co-founded the Raza Committee, their first affinity group, which aimed to promote the Chicanx/Latinx community through a combination of open discussions, professional development, and strengthening cultural awareness in alignment with the organization. Ms. Flores is passionate about educational equity and inclusion.
In her role of Equity Coordinator, Ms. Flores works closely in collaboration with LACHSA administration, the Admissions and Outreach Coordinators, LACOE Equity Leaders and the LACHSA Foundation. Ms. Flores’ work focuses on building relationships and partnering with stakeholder groups within the school community, and external partners such as community-based organizations and local government to shape, promote, and implement LACHSA’s Equity and Access Plan. Ms. Flores also co-leads the Social Justice Forum, is a member of the school’s Wellness Team, and actively engages in meaningful, inclusive and positive school culture for students and staff.