AP and Honors courses are taught to college level standards and are on a 5.0 scale instead of a 4.0 scale. Students who pass the AP exam with a 3, 4, or 5 score may receive college credit for the course.
LACHSA students can take a maximum of TWO Honors or AP courses. *New this year: more than two AP/Honors courses must have a consultation meeting with administration first. Email spevak_natalie@lacoe.edu for an appointment.
Students may not be allowed to drop the course(s) once accepted and enrolled. If you no longer want to enroll in AP/Honors courses email your counselor immediately.
If you receive a D or F grade you will be required to make up the course.
Most courses require summer reading and writing, rigorous assignments, and above average study time. Summer assignments are provided by the teacher. See below and/or email teachers at lastname_firstname@lacoe.edu for the summer assignment information
Email your teachers directly with questions and for online links and assignments.
To be enrolled in AP and Honors courses, please click here to agree to the conditions above.
Summer Assignments
Honors English 10
Google Classroom Code: dqhbgj3 Pick up Novel Lord of the Flies
Honors/AP English Language 11
Google Classroom Code: 22xp7q3 Updated 5/17/21 https://classroom.google.com/c/Mjk5OTk2OTQ1ODAw?cjc=22xp7q3
AP English Literature and Composition 12
No summer assignment
AP World History 10
No summer assignment
Honors US History 11
Rulli_beatrice@lacoe.edu No summer assignment
AP US History 11
Rulli_beatrice@lacoe.edu No summer assignment
AP Government 12
DeLaO_jessica@lacoe.edu Book – pickup at LACHSA week of 6/1/2020 Packet is available at Google classroom code: hfi33ew
AP Calculus
Kaplan_rachel@lacoe.edu Google Classroom Code: 24msotcHN
Kaplan_rachel@lacoe.edu No Summer Assignment
Honors Algebra II
Cholko_mary@lacoe.edu Updated 5/14/21
Notes Packet pick up– pickup at LACHSA outside room 120 from 5/24-6/8/2021 or print off google classroom site.
Join Google Class “Honors Algebra II - Fall 2021” using the code l6kplqj or clicking the link here.
Some assignments are due in June to ensure you have access to the materials you need for summer. Please be sure to check the google classroom ASAP.
Google Classroom Information
Students must be logged in with their lachsa.net email accounts. For assistance with google classroom please contact dhauw_jonathan@lacoe.edu or spevak_natalie@lacoe.edu
AP Testing Dates and Information
Counselors will update LACHSA AP information as it becomes available.
Dates and Information for AP test registration are found on the College Board Website: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/exam-dates-and-fees/