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Spring 2021 Updates

Updated: Apr 7, 2021

Book and Materials Pickup

Wednesday, January 13th

7:00 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. & 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

For students with Boskovich, Cholko, McNamara, Sands and Robson/Andreas (musical theatre)

  • Anyone can come pick up materials any time - no sign up required!

  • Park in the lot, line up on the social distance markers and follow all directions.

  • Families and students are allowed to pick up materials for their student or for other students.


Spring Schedules

Simply log into AERIES to view Spring Schedules. If you are requesting a change, please email your academic counselor directly. Any changes requiring administrative approval will go through AP Spevak.

Google Classroom Codes

Most classes are year-long courses, so Google Classroom codes will remain the same for a majority of classes. However, there are a handful of semester-long courses that will require new codes for Spring. Please be on the lookout for any communications from your teacher or arts chair for any updates to class codes which will be emailed out prior to next Monday.



With testing coming up in the spring, please make sure you have a computer with the Testing Application. Contact Dr. Vartanian to reserve a laptop and arrange a pick up date. If you prefer to use your own computer, you will need to make an appointment with Dr. Vartanian and LACOE IT to have us install it remotely on your device.

Some students have not picked up their computer and/or Mi-Fi. Please contact Dr. Vartanian for an appointment to do so. If you are in need of a computer and/or Mi-Fi device, please make sure to reserve one as soon as possible.


Attendance, Probation and Graduation Requirements

Good attendance is required to be successful at LACHSA. In light of remote learning and the pandemic, improvement plans will be used in place of Attendance Probation for Spring 2021.

Attendance Improvement Plans will be given for:

  • Students with 5 or more unverified absences from Fall 2020

Arts and Academic Probation will be given for:

  • An F in any arts class

  • A GPA below 2.0 in Academics

Senior Expectations

Seniors must keep in good standing academically, behaviorally, and attendance during Spring 2021. We understand that this is an exceptionally difficult time. More information about graduation requirements and expectations will be sent directly to seniors soon.


Spring 2021 Planning Document We have learned that during remote learning it is better to give live updates rather than wait to announce changes. Therefore, we have put together this “live” document. This changes as we get updates, so please bookmark and check back frequently.


The LACHSA Social Justice Committee and Subcommittees are leadership teams representative of our community that strategically address issues of Social Justice and Equity. We address systemic barriers while promoting an active voice through Academics and Arts at LACHSA. Subcommittee groups include: Racial Awareness, Mental Health, Safety, Gender & Sexuality, and Equity & Inclusion

Wednesday, January 13th 4:00-5:30 we will hold a student-only steering/listening session to steer what we are keeping from Fall 2020 and what we would like to see happen in Spring 2021

All are welcomed to our next gathering on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 from 4:00 - 5:15 p.m.


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